허윤희의 꿈과 음악사이에

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* 게시판 성격 및 운영과 무관한 내용, 비방성 욕설이 포함된 경우 및
  기명 사연을 도용한 경우 , 관리자 임의로 삭제 될 수 있습니다.
* 게시판 하단, 관리자만 확인할 수 있는 [개인정보 입력란]
   이름, 연락처, 주소 게재해주세요.
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  사적인 대화창 형식의 게시글을 지양합니다

너무 명곡이죠
조회 53

You call it love
There are things I need to say
About the way I feel when your arms are on the around me
You call it love
Words I'd heard that sound so fine
Meaningless each time till you came and found me
See the ground is slowly turning dizzily, easily
Feel the way my heart is burning secretly inside of me

You call it love
All the wishes in my mind soared into the sky
Where reflected in my own eyes
You say it's love
Variations on a theme
Love was just a dream memories of past sighs
See you love is always round me
Everywhere in the air
New sensations now surround me
Ocean wide deep inside

You call it love
All my days past close to you
Grey skies turn to blue and the sun shines all
around me
You call it love
It's a phrase that people say each and everyday
Real love is hard to find though
See the ground is slowly turning dizzily easily
Feel the way my heart is burning from your touch

You call it love
Now I know it's so much more being close to you
Makes this feeling new that you call it love.


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