허윤희의 꿈과 음악사이에

음악FM 매일 22:00-24:00

* 게시판 성격 및 운영과 무관한 내용, 비방성 욕설이 포함된 경우 및
  기명 사연을 도용한 경우 , 관리자 임의로 삭제 될 수 있습니다.
* 게시판 하단, 관리자만 확인할 수 있는 [개인정보 입력란]
   이름, 연락처, 주소 게재해주세요.
* 사연과 신청곡 게시판은 많은 청취자들이 이용하는 공간입니다.
  사적인 대화창 형식의 게시글을 지양합니다

이 노래도 가사를 적어보죠
조회 83

You are the sunshine of my life
That`s why i`ll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you`ll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the begingning
Though i`ve loved you for a million years
And if though our love was ending
I`d find myself drowing in my own tear

You are the sunshine of my life
That`s why i`ll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you`ll stay in my soul

You must have know that i was lonely
Becouse you came to my rescue
And i konw that this must be heaven
How could so much love be in side you

I feel like this is the begingning
Though i`ve loved you for a million years
And if though our love was ending
I`d find myself drowing in my own tear

You are the sunshine of my life
That`s why i`ll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you`ll stay in my soul

I feel like this is the begingning
Though i`ve loved you for a million years
And if though our love was ending
I`d find myself drowing in my own tear

You are the sunshine of my life
That`s why i`ll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you`ll stay in my soul


※ 댓글 작성시 상대방에 대한 배려와 책임을 담아 깨끗한 댓글 환경에 동참해 주세요. 0 / 300